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Spiritual Scholar Program

Times are very crazy now, and will only intensify over the next several months.  I have decided to start a program for those individuals that are really serious about developing a strong spiritual practice.  Having tools in your spiritual toolbox is essential in our everyday lives.  

 I will cut my normal price of $88.00 for a one hour session to $44.00 for a one hour class/session.  I am extending this offer to those that are truly committed to making personal changes, and will actually do the work.  

Each class will consist of various teaching topics that are listed below.  After I teach a subject then you will do your “homework”.  We will discuss your progress, answer questions, as well as discuss what is blocking you.  So, each class will most likely be part learning and part counseling.  We may decided to do a meditation together to help you move through an issue.  There may also be a time, where one class will be just a solid counseling session, or you may have many questions for me.  

My requirements are that you sign up for a minimum of 2 months.  You can schedule once every week or once a week.  That is up to you.  Once you sign up for this program, you will pick and pay for your first class.  After that, I will add you to my schedule manually.  That way you can schedule for a month at a time.  I will send a invoice via pay pal after each class.  This way you only pay for the class you attend.  If one of us needs to cancel then we can reschedule.


(not limited to just these subjects)

  1. Nine Breaths Of Purification- *See Testimonial

  2. Ancient Method Of Tibetan Meditation (based on stillness, silence, and spaciousness)

  3. How to use meditation to do inner alchemy...transmute anger to love.  How to respond to someone that is mad at you with "compassionate anger", and not from the lower chakras.  How to speak from the space of silence, and gut reaction.

  4. 5 Elements Mantra to balance the elements within your body

  5. Elements Practice/Soul Retrieval Ritual

  6. The Three Heart mantras for intense purification of the Heart Space

  7. Warrior Seed Syllables for clearing and purification

  8. Tsa lung  

  9. Chakras and how they relate to your path

  10. Dream yoga

  11. How to release attachments to objects, identity, and people

  12. How to purify the body with meditation combined with chanting and using the elements

  13. Element hand mudra offering,  combined with connecting to each element, corresponding organ, color, and emotional issue

1 hr $44.00

12 Essential Oils of the Ancient Scripture - Class One

Here is a brief description of what you learn in class one:

A short intro to the oils….history, how they work on the brain, and how to buy a good oil etc…
Kundalini energy and the oils, the inner oil... claustrum oil
Healing and the Priesthood
Entity and other energetic attachements and the oils
Ancient reflexology and the oils
How emotions serve us, with an exercise with the oils
Description of the Holy Biblical Anointing Oil
Anointing...both inner and outer
Mary Magdalene and the oils

Once I receive your payment I will send you a private YouTube video. You need a gmail account or a YouTube account to view this. Please allow me some time to process your order, as I am not always at my computer.



12 Essentail Oils of the Ancient Scripture - Class Two

This over 2 hour class will discuss the body's most essential self producing oil which is the claustrum oil. When does this oil drop? What glands does it directly effect? How long does it take? Why this is important to activate the FULL third eye, (not what new age teaches). What can you do to speed up this precious process. AND which 3 outer essential oils can assist us on the path, and why they are the real oils that are connected to the trinity of our brain.

We will discuss each of the 12 Oils mentioned in the Bible and how they affect us mind, body and soul. You will receive a pdf of this information for you to print out and keep.

We will also discuss the numbers 22 and 13 in our celebration of Earth Day, which is a celebration of the Divine Feminine.

We end with a intense purification and empowerment meditation which will give your body a spring cleaning.

Once I receive your order I will send you a private YouTube video to view. You will need a gmail or YouTube account to view this video. Please give me some time to process your order, as I am not always at my computer.


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If no links work for you, please email me at or CLICK HERE to go to schedule page!

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