Rising Frequencies Wellness Center

My family and I have been using essential oils for many years. We use them for everything from healing cuts and abrasions to enhancing moods and treating my son’s ADD-related issues.
My collection of oils is my family’s medicine cabinet, and I don’t know what I would do without it.
I enjoy making custom blends for purchase. If you are interested in this service please contact me via email at risingfrequencies@gmail.com.
- Lisa Rising Berry

Essential Oils are liquids that are distilled from plants, shrubs, flowers, trees, roots, bushes and seeds. These oils are the closest to human plasma that we have on this Earth. This gives them the ability to penetrate cell membranes and diffuse throughout human cells and tissue.
When the oils are applied to the bottoms of the feet, it takes only about 20 minutes for them to travel through the body, and the effects will last as long as 5 months.
When the oils are inhaled, the scent impuse is carried via neurons in the nose hairs and travels to the brain. Most importantly, due to the properties of essential oils, they do not disrupt the body's natural balance.

Essential Oils have been around for centuries and were humanity's first medicine. The Ancient Egyptians and Chinese used essential oils on a daily basis. This is evident in ancient manuscripts. In Egypt, they found well-preserved oils in alabaster jars in some of the tombs.
The Egyptians were very talented with the production and blending of the oils for healing the mind, body and soul. They recorded many of their oil recipes on the walls in the form of hieroglyphics. In 1817 the Ebers Papyrus was
discovered, which is a medical scroll containing over 800 herbal prescriptions and remedies. Many of these remedies contained the use of essential oils.
There is a sacred room in the temple of Isis, where a ritual called “Cleansing the Flesh and Blood of Evil Deities” was practiced. This is a form of emotional clearing with oils that can be done today. I offer this as one of my treatments in my Healing Center.
There are 188 references to oils in the Bible. In Biblical times oils were used not only for healing and mental well-being, but also to keep dust and bugs away.
“The Healing Oils of the Bible” is another topic to study, which I am putting together to inform people of the rich history of essential oils and benefits of using oils in your daily life.

I am a distributor of Young Living Oils. I give personal support and guidance, and answer all questions to those who sign up under me.
You can sign up to purchase Young Living Oils on my site. You will be purchasing the oils from the Young Living Company, but you will be signed up under me for referring you.
Young Living uses the direct sales method to sell their products. If they had a store front, then the oils would be more expensive.
I hope you enjoy Raising Your Frequencies with Essential Oils!
- Lisa Rising Berry

I am proud to announce that I am launching through Rising Frequencies our first online class, which is entitled Healing Oils Of The Ancient Bible Class One. Here is my brief background.
I have studied at the Appalachia Institute of Awakening for 4 years (2008-2011), where I received my certifications in different healing modalities such as Reflexology, Aromatherapy, Reiki, other energy work, and Indian Head Massage. Aromatherapy, was the cornerstone of my training.
Every year, we had different Oils classes that combined book knowledge with lab work. This intense training with the oils was priceless. Teaching is my passion and it is with great joy that I am able to offer this class. I am also a fully certified Holistic Life Coach. I have participated with the Modern Mystery School where I studied the Ritual Master Program. I attended The Life Spirit Seminary and became Ordained as a Minister Practitioner with the Lightwing Center of Life Spirit.
This will be a two part class. You will pay for one class at a time. I will offer this class at different times of the year, as well as add more classes to take in the future.
The cost for this class which is approximately 2 hours is $55.00. You can purchase the recording and sign up for the second class when it is posted.
Here is a brief description of what you learn in class one:
A short intro to the oils….history, how they work on the brain, and how to buy a good oil etc…
Healing and the Priesthood
Ancient reflexology and the oils
How emotions serve us, with an exercise with the oils
Description of the Holy Biblical Anointing Oil
Anointing...both inner and outer
Mary Magdalene and the oils

April 22, 2017
Our first Essential Oils Class was a large success. The recording of the class along with a pdf with information, will always be available for purchase.
This over 2 hour class we discuss the body's most essential self producing oil which is the claustrum oil. When does this oil drop? What glands does it directly effect? How long does it take? Why this is important to activate the FULL third eye, (not what new age teaches). What can you do to speed up this precious process. AND which 3 outer essential oils can assist us on the path, and why they are the real oils that are connected to the trinity of our brain.
We discuss each of the 12 Oils mentioned in the Bible and how they affect us mind, body and soul. You will receive a pdf of this information for you to print out and keep.
We will also discuss the numbers 22 and 13 in our celebration of Earth Day, which is a celebration of the Divine Feminine.
We end with a intense purification and empowerment meditation which will give your body a spring cleaning.
Once I receive your order I will send you a private YouTube video to view. You will need a gmail or YouTube account to view this video. Please give me some time to process your order, as I am not always at my computer.